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Image Classification Tasks for CLIP Models



Bases: ClassificationTask

This class is used to define the image classification task for CLIP models.

Source code in fusion_bench/taskpool/
class CLIPImageClassificationTask(ClassificationTask):
    This class is used to define the image classification task for CLIP models.

    _fabric: L.Fabric = None
    _clip_processor: CLIPProcessor = None
    _taskpool: "CLIPImageClassificationTaskPool" = None

    classnames: List[str] = []
    templates: List[Callable[[str], str]] = []

    def __init__(self, task_config: DictConfig):
        self.config = task_config

        self.classnames, self.templates = get_classnames_and_templates(

    def test_dataset(self):
        Load the test dataset for the task.
        This method is cached, so the dataset is loaded only once.
        dataset_config = self.config["dataset"]
        dataset_config = self._taskpool.prepare_dataset_config(dataset_config)"Loading test dataset: {}")
        dataset = load_dataset_from_config_cached(dataset_config)
        dataset = CLIPDataset(dataset, self._clip_processor)
        return dataset

    def num_classes(self):
        return len(self.classnames)

    def test_loader(self):
        loader = DataLoader(
        if self._fabric is not None:
            loader = self._fabric.setup_dataloaders(loader)
        return loader

    def evaluate(self, clip_model: CLIPModel):
        Evaluate the model on the image classification task.
        classifier = HFCLIPClassifier(
            clip_model=clip_model, processor=self._clip_processor
        classifier.set_classification_task(self.classnames, self.templates)
        if self._fabric is not None:
            classifier = self._fabric.setup_module(deepcopy(classifier))
        results = super().evaluate(classifier)"Results for task {}: {results}")
        return results
test_dataset cached property

Load the test dataset for the task. This method is cached, so the dataset is loaded only once.


Evaluate the model on the image classification task.

Source code in fusion_bench/taskpool/
def evaluate(self, clip_model: CLIPModel):
    Evaluate the model on the image classification task.
    classifier = HFCLIPClassifier(
        clip_model=clip_model, processor=self._clip_processor
    classifier.set_classification_task(self.classnames, self.templates)
    if self._fabric is not None:
        classifier = self._fabric.setup_module(deepcopy(classifier))
    results = super().evaluate(classifier)"Results for task {}: {results}")
    return results

Bases: TaskPool

Source code in fusion_bench/taskpool/
class CLIPImageClassificationTaskPool(TaskPool):
    _fabric: L.Fabric = None

    # CLIP forward model and processor
    _clip_model: CLIPModel = None
    _clip_processor: CLIPProcessor = None

    def __init__(self, taskpool_config: DictConfig):

    def prepare_dataset_config(self, dataset_config: DictConfig):
        if not hasattr(dataset_config, "type"):
            with open_dict(dataset_config):
                dataset_config["type"] = self.config.dataset_type
        return dataset_config

    def prepare_task_config(self, task_config: DictConfig):
        # set default values for keys that are not present in per task configuration
        for key in ["num_workers", "batch_size", "fast_dev_run"]:
            if not hasattr(task_config, key):
                with open_dict(task_config):
                    task_config[key] = self.config[key]
        return task_config

    def clip_model(self):
        if self._clip_model is None:
            self._clip_model = CLIPModel.from_pretrained(self.config["clip_model"])
        return self._clip_model

    def clip_processor(self):
        if self._clip_processor is None:
            self._clip_processor = CLIPProcessor.from_pretrained(
        return self._clip_processor

    def load_task(self, task_name_or_config: str | DictConfig):
        if isinstance(task_name_or_config, str):
            task_config = self.get_task_config(task_name_or_config)
            task_config = task_name_or_config
        task_config = self.prepare_task_config(task_config)

        # load the task from the configuration
        task = CLIPImageClassificationTask(task_config)
        task._fabric = self._fabric
        task._taskpool = self
        task._clip_processor = self.clip_processor

        return task

    def evaluate(self, model: CLIPVisionModel):
        Evaluate the model on the image classification task.
        # if the fabric is not set, and we have a GPU, create a fabric instance
        if self._fabric is None and torch.cuda.is_available():
            self._fabric = L.Fabric(devices=1)

        # CLIPVisionModel works the same with CLIPVisonTransformer, so we can use it directly
        self.clip_model.vision_model = model
        report = {}
        training_params, all_params = count_parameters(model)
        report["model_info"] = {
            "trainable_params": training_params,
            "all_params": all_params,
            "trainable_percentage": training_params / all_params,
        for task_name in tqdm(self.task_names, desc="Evaluating tasks"):
            task = self.load_task(task_name)
            result = task.evaluate(self.clip_model)
            report[task_name] = result"Results for taskpool {}: {report}")
        if self._fabric.is_global_zero and len(self._fabric._loggers) > 0:
            with open(
                os.path.join(self._fabric.logger.log_dir, "report.json"), "w"
            ) as fp:
                json.dump(report, fp)
        return report

Evaluate the model on the image classification task.

Source code in fusion_bench/taskpool/
def evaluate(self, model: CLIPVisionModel):
    Evaluate the model on the image classification task.
    # if the fabric is not set, and we have a GPU, create a fabric instance
    if self._fabric is None and torch.cuda.is_available():
        self._fabric = L.Fabric(devices=1)

    # CLIPVisionModel works the same with CLIPVisonTransformer, so we can use it directly
    self.clip_model.vision_model = model
    report = {}
    training_params, all_params = count_parameters(model)
    report["model_info"] = {
        "trainable_params": training_params,
        "all_params": all_params,
        "trainable_percentage": training_params / all_params,
    for task_name in tqdm(self.task_names, desc="Evaluating tasks"):
        task = self.load_task(task_name)
        result = task.evaluate(self.clip_model)
        report[task_name] = result"Results for taskpool {}: {report}")
    if self._fabric.is_global_zero and len(self._fabric._loggers) > 0:
        with open(
            os.path.join(self._fabric.logger.log_dir, "report.json"), "w"
        ) as fp:
            json.dump(report, fp)
    return report