Task Arithmetic¶
In the rapidly advancing field of machine learning, multi-task learning has emerged as a powerful paradigm, allowing models to leverage information from multiple tasks to improve performance and generalization. One intriguing method in this domain is Task Arithmetic, which involves the combination of task-specific vectors derived from model parameters.
Task Vector. A task vector is used to encapsulate the adjustments needed by a model to specialize in a specific task. It is derived from the differences between a pre-trained model's parameters and those fine-tuned for a particular task. Formally, if \(\theta_i\) represents the model parameters fine-tuned for the i-th task and \(\theta_0\) denotes the parameters of the pre-trained model, the task vector for the i-th task is defined as:
This representation is crucial for methods like Task Arithmetic, where multiple task vectors are aggregated and scaled to form a comprehensive multi-task model.
Task Arithmetic1 begins by computing a task vector \(\tau_i\) for each individual task, using the set of model parameters \(\theta_0 \cup \{\theta_i\}_i\) where \(\theta_0\) is the pre-trained model and \(\theta_i\) are the fine-tuned parameters for i-th task. These task vectors are then aggregated to form a multi-task vector. Subsequently, the multi-task vector is combined with the pre-trained model parameters to obtain the final multi-task model. This process involves scaling the combined vector element-wise by a scaling coefficient (denoted as \(\lambda\)), before adding it to the initial pre-trained model parameters. The resulting formulation for obtaining a multi-task model is expressed as
The choice of the scaling coefficient \(\lambda\) plays a crucial role in the final model performance. Typically, \(\lambda\) is chosen based on validation set performance.
To use the Task Arithmetic algorithm, you can use the TaskArithmeticAlgorithm
class from the fusion_bench.method
from fusion_bench.method.task_arithmetic import TaskArithmeticAlgorithm
from omegaconf import DictConfig
# Instantiate the TaskArithmeticAlgorithm
method_config = {'name': 'task_arithmetic', 'scaling_factor': 0.5}
algorithm = TaskArithmeticAlgorithm(DictConfig(method_config))
# Assume we have a dict of PyTorch models (nn.Module instances) that we want to merge.
# The models should all have the same architecture.
# the dict must contain the pre-trained model with the key '_pretrained_', and arbitrary number of fine-tuned models.
models = {'_pretrained_': nn.Linear(10,10), 'model_1': nn.Linear(10,10), 'model_2': nn.Linear(10,10)}
# Run the algorithm on the models.
# This will return a new model that is the result of task arithmetic on the input models.
merged_model = algorithm.run(models)
Code Integration¶
Configuration template for the Task Arithmetic algorithm:
name: task_arithmetic
scaling_factor: 0.5 # Scaling factor for task vectors
Use the following command to run the Task Arithmetic algorithm:
For example, to run the Task Arithmetic algorithm on two models with scaling factor 0.5:
fusion_bench method=task_arithmetic \
method.scaling_factor=0.5 \
modelpool=clip-vit-base-patch32_svhn_and_mnist \
where the configuration for the model pool is:
type: huggingface_clip_vision
# the modelpool must contain the pre-trained model with the name '_pretrained_',
# and arbitrary number of fine-tuned models.
- name: _pretrained_
path: openai/clip-vit-base-patch32
- name: svhn
path: tanganke/clip-vit-base-patch32_svhn
- name: mnist
path: tanganke/clip-vit-base-patch32_mnist
and the configuration for the task pool:
type: clip_vit_classification
dataset_type: huggingface_image_classification
- name: svhn
type: instantiate
name: svhn
_target_: datasets.load_dataset
- svhn
- cropped_digits
split: test
- name: mnist
name: mnist
split: test
Bases: BaseAlgorithm
, SimpleProfilerMixin
Task Arithmetic Algorithm for model fusion.
This class implements the Task Arithmetic method for fusing models. It inherits from BaseModelFusionAlgorithm and SimpleProfilerMixin to provide the necessary functionality for model fusion and profiling.
) –The factor by which the task vectors will be scaled before merging.
Source code in fusion_bench/method/task_arithmetic/task_arithmetic.py
_config_mapping = BaseAlgorithm._config_mapping | {'scaling_factor': 'scaling_factor'}
scaling_factor = scaling_factor
Initializes the TaskArithmeticAlgorithm with the given scaling factor.
) –The factor by which the task vectors will be scaled before merging.
Source code in fusion_bench/method/task_arithmetic/task_arithmetic.py
Runs the Task Arithmetic Algorithm to fuse models in the given model pool.
¶Union[BaseModelPool, Dict[str, Module]]
) –The pool of models to fuse.
nn.Module: The pre-trained model with the merged task vectors.
Source code in fusion_bench/method/task_arithmetic/task_arithmetic.py
(ICLR 2023) Editing Models with Task Arithmetic. http://arxiv.org/abs/2212.04089 ↩
(ICLR 2024) AdaMerging: Adaptive Model Merging for Multi-Task Learning. http://arxiv.org/abs/2310.02575 ↩
(NIPS 2023 Oral) Guillermo Ortiz-Jimenez, Alessandro Favero, and Pascal Frossard, “Task Arithmetic in the Tangent Space: Improved Editing of Pre-Trained Models,” doi: 10.48550/arXiv.2305.12827. ↩