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FusionBench: A Comprehensive Benchmark of Deep Model Fusion

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Testing Phase

The documented experiments should be reproducible. However, this project is still in testing phase as the API may be subject to change. Please report any issues you encounter.


  • Any questions or comments can be directed to the GitHub Issues page for this project.
  • Any contributions or pull requests are welcome. If you find any mistakes or have suggestions for improvements, please feel free to raise an issue or submit a pull request.

Introduction to Deep Model Fusion (The Learn From Model Paradigm)

Deep model fusion is a technique that merges, ensemble, or fuse multiple deep neural networks to obtain a unified model. It can be used to improve the performance and robustness of model or to combine the strengths of different models, such as fuse multiple task-specific models to create a multi-task model. For a more detailed introduction to deep model fusion, you can refer to W. Li, 2023, 'Deep Model Fusion: A Survey'. In this benchmark, we evaluate the performance of different fusion methods on a variety of datasets and tasks. ...

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Getting Started


install from PyPI:

pip install fusion-bench

or install the latest version in development from github repository

git clone
cd fusion_bench

pip install -e . # install the package in editable mode

Command Line Interface

fusion_bench is the command line interface for running the benchmark. It takes a configuration file as input, which specifies the models, fusion method to be used, and the datasets to be evaluated. To run the benchmark, you can use the following command:

fusion_bench [--config-path CONFIG_PATH] [--config-name CONFIG_NAME] \

This program will load the configuration file specified by --config-path and --config-name, and run the fusion algorithm on the model pool. The pseudocode is as follows:

# instantiate an algorithm, a modelpool object that manages the models, 
# and a taskpool object that manages the tasks (dataset + metrics)
algorithm = load_algorithm(config.algorithm)
modelpool = load_modelpool(config.modelpool)
taskpool = load_taskpool(config.taskpool)

# run the fusion algorithm on the model pool
merged_model =
# evaluate the merged model on the tasks
report = taskpool.evaluate(merged_model)

For detailed information on the options available, you can refer to this page.

General Structure of FusionBench

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Framework of FusionBench

FusionBench is a pioneering project that provides a comprehensive benchmark for deep model fusion, facilitating the evaluation and comparison of various model fusion techniques. The project is meticulously designed to support rigorous analysis and experimentation in the field of model fusion, offering a versatile and modular codebase tailored for advanced research and development.

The general structure of the FusionBench project can be visualized through its modular framework, which is divided into several key components:

  1. Fusion Algorithm: The core component where Model Fusion takes place. It integrates models from the Model Pool and adjusts them according to the specified fusion algorithms. The output is then evaluated for performance and effectiveness.
  2. Model Pool: A repository of various pre-trained models that can be accessed and utilized for fusion. This pool serves as the foundation for creating new, fused models by leveraging the strengths of each individual model.
  3. Task Pool: A collection of tasks that the fused models are evaluated on. These tasks help in assessing the practical applicability and robustness of the fused models.
  4. Models & Warpers, Datasets, and Metrics: These underlying modules include:
    • Models & Warpers: Tools and scripts for model loading, wrapping, and pre-processing.
    • Datasets: The datasets used for training, validation, and testing the fused models.
    • Metrics: The performance metrics used to evaluate the models, providing a comprehensive understanding of their capabilities.
  5. YAML Configurations: Central to the project's modularity, YAML files are used to configure models, datasets, and metrics, allowing seamless customization and scalability. This is based on the hydra framework, which allows for easy customization and scalability. Read More

By organizing these components into a structured and modular codebase, FusionBench ensures flexibility, ease of use, and scalability for researchers and developers. The project not only serves as a benchmark but also as a robust platform for innovation in the realm of deep model fusion.

Key Features

  • Comprehensive Benchmark: FusionBench provides a wide range of fusion algorithms, model pools, and tasks for thorough evaluation.
  • Modular Design: The project is structured into separate modules for algorithms, model pools, and task pools, allowing easy extension and customization.
  • Command-line Interface: A flexible CLI tool fusion_bench for running experiments with various configurations.
  • Web UI: An interactive web interface fusion_bench_webui for easier configuration and command generation.
  • Extensive Documentation: Detailed guides, API references, and examples to help users get started quickly.

Basic Example

Here we provide a basic example to demonstrate the usage of FusionBench. We choose the simple average algorithm as the fusion algorithm, and 4 fine-tuned CLIP-ViT-B/32 models to be merged. We are going to evaluate the merged model on 4 tasks with data corrupted by Gaussian noise to evaluate the robustness of the merged model.

We provide an command line interface fusion_bench to run the example. The instruction to run the example is as follows:

fusion_bench \
    # (1)
    --config-name clip-vit-base-patch32_robustness_corrupted \
    corruption=gaussian_noise \
    # (2)
    method=simple_averaging  \
    # (3)
    modelpool=clip-vit-base-patch32_robustness_corrupted \
    # (4)
  1. Here we specify the main configuration file to be used. The corruption option specifies the type of data corruption to be applied to the evaluation datasets. In this case, we use Gaussian noise. In FusionBench, we are currently provide 7 types of data corruptions for imaage classification tasks Standford Cars, EuroSAT, RESISC45 and GTSRB. The option corrption can be one of: contrast, gaussian_noise, impulse_noise, jpeg_compression, motion_blur, pixelate, spatter.
  2. The method option specifies the fusion algorithm to be used. In this case, we use the simple averaging algorithm.
  3. Here we specify the model pool to be used. The model pool is responsible for managing the loading, preprocessing, and saving of the models. By pass option modelpool=clip-vit-base-patch32_robustness_corrupted, the program instantiate a modelpool object that manages 4 task-specific CLIP-ViT-B/32 models that are fine-tuned on Stanford Cars, EuroSAT, RESISC45, and GTSRB datasets.
  4. Here we specify the task pool to be used. The task pool is responsible for managing the evaluation datasets and metrics. By pass option taskpool=clip-vit-base-patch32_robustness_corrupted, the program instantiate a taskpool object that manages 4 tasks with data corrupted by Gaussian noise.

The configurations are stored in the configs directory, listed as follows:

The simple averaging algorithm is very straightforward. No additional hyperparameters are required. So the configuration file contains only the name of the algorithm to specify the Python class of the fusion algorithm.

name: simple_average # (1)
  1. Name of the fusion algorithm. The name field specifies the class of the fusion algorithm.
type: huggingface_clip_vision # (1)
models: # (2)
- name: _pretrained_
    path: openai/clip-vit-base-patch32
- name: stanford_cars
    path: tanganke/clip-vit-base-patch32_stanford-cars
- name: eurosat
    path: tanganke/clip-vit-base-patch32_eurosat
- name: resisc45
    path: tanganke/clip-vit-base-patch32_resisc45
- name: gtsrb
    path: tanganke/clip-vit-base-patch32_gtsrb

# `corrption` can be one of:
# contrast, gaussian_noise, impulse_noise, jpeg_compression, motion_blur, pixelate, spatter
corruption: ${corruption}

# Other configurations to meet other methods' requirements.
# For example, test dataset for test-time adaptation training.
# ...
  1. Type of the model pool. The type field specifies the class of the model pool.
  2. The models field specifies the models to be used for fusion. In this case, we use 4 task-specific CLIP-ViT-B/32 models that are fine-tuned on Stanford Cars, EuroSAT, RESISC45, and GTSRB datasets.
type: clip_vit_classification # (1)
name: clip-vit-robustness_clean

# corrption can be one of:
# contrast, gaussian_noise, impulse_noise, jpeg_compression, motion_blur, pixelate, spatter
corruption: ${corruption}
dataset_type: huggingface_image_classification
tasks: # (2)
- name: stanford_cars
    name: tanganke/stanford_cars
    split: ${taskpool.corruption}
- name: eurosat
    name: tanganke/eurosat
    split: ${taskpool.corruption}
- name: resisc45
    name: tanganke/resisc45
    split: ${taskpool.corruption}
- name: gtsrb
    name: tanganke/gtsrb
    split: ${taskpool.corruption}

clip_model: openai/clip-vit-base-patch32 # (3)
batch_size: 128 # (4)
num_workers: 16
fast_dev_run: ${fast_dev_run}
  1. Type and name of the task pool. The type field specifies the class of the task pool, and the name field specifies the name of the task pool.
  2. The tasks field specifies the tasks to be evaluated. In this case, we evaluate the fused model on 4 tasks: Stanford Cars, EuroSAT, RESISC45, and GTSRB, with data corrupted by ${corruption}.
  3. Base model used for intializing the classification head. Here, we need the text encoder of CLIP-ViT-B/32 to initialize the classification head.
  4. Batch size and number of workers used for data loading.

A flowchart of the FusionBench command line interface is shown below:

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  • Fusion Algorithm Module

    Implement the fusion algorithms. Receive the model pool and return the fused model.

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  • Model Pool Module

    Magage the models. Responsible for loading, preprocessing, and saving the models.

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  • Task Pool Module

    Manage the tasks. Responsible for loading evaluation datasets and metrics, and evaluating the fused model.

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If you find this benchmark useful, please consider citing our work:

  title = {{{FusionBench}}: {{A Comprehensive Benchmark}} of {{Deep Model Fusion}}},
  shorttitle = {{{FusionBench}}},
  author = {Tang, Anke and Shen, Li and Luo, Yong and Hu, Han and Du, Bo and Tao, Dacheng},
  year = {2024},
  month = jun,
  number = {arXiv:2406.03280},
  eprint = {2406.03280},
  publisher = {arXiv},
  url = {},
  archiveprefix = {arxiv},
  langid = {english},
  keywords = {Computer Science - Artificial Intelligence,Computer Science - Computation and Language,Computer Science - Machine Learning}